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Writer's pictureMikiko Coakley

Presentation on the Popes of the Reformation to the tune of Thriller for AP European History

It’s 1503 and next up is Pope Julius II

I’ll rule for ten years, and then Leo X will follow when I die

You want us to change, but all you’ll get is the Fifth Lateran Council

I like art a lot, so I’ll sell you fake tickets to the sky 

Luther knows why


‘Cause this the Catholic, Papacy

I’ll rebuild St. Peter’s Basilica and I’ll lead you into war

You know the Catholic, Papacy

You’re fighting for your rights while we free Italy from the barbarians tonight


Now back to Julius, I’m called the Warrior Pope and I’m always right

In the Italian wars, I kept the Papal States independent and centralized

They’re thanks to me, the Vatican Museums and the art of the Sistine Chapel

Cast out the Borjas, and saved the church from its imminent demise

There’s no compromise


‘Cause this the Catholic, Papacy

I overthrew the rule that said Popes can’t have beards, girl

Catholic, Papacy

You’re fighting for your rights while we become more secular with the Renaissance tonight


Leo X 

I get 8 years to buy art and put the Papacy in debt

I’m from the Medicis and led a wasteful war for my nephew

And then came Luther


The 95 Theses, they made me mad so I wrote Exsurge Domine

Saying Luther was wrong, and that there were 41 reasons why

Then Luther burned it, so I excommunicated him and pledged to burn his supporters

I’ll highlight saints, to distinguish between Catholics and the rest

May you be blessed


‘Cause this the Catholic, Papacy

We’ll tell you to fear God and then we’ll take all of your money

Catholic, Papacy

You’re fighting for your rights while we condemn Martin Luther and Protestants tonight


Disagree with Luther, Hus, and Calvin

Erasmus doesn’t like us, Knox and Muentzer don’t either

We died before the C of E 

But if any royal paid us right 

We’d surely share dinner 

And indulge them tonight

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