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Writer's pictureMikiko Coakley

Nuclear Power Response Paper

Nuclear power should be expanded and used to produce more of the world’s energy. It produces no carbon dioxide, is sustainable and well-structured, and is relatively cost effective. Though many Americans, as stated in ‘The Future of Nuclear Power,’ are skeptical of nuclear power as they are convinced they are unsafe, they are much more benign than people are led to believe. Nuclear power is the future of Earth, as humans can not carry on burning fossil fuels at the current rate. In order to save the planet and create a realistic system to create electricity, the world must turn to nuclear power to mend the energy industry.

Firsty, nuclear power, while nonrenewable because it releases steam, does not produce any carbon dioxide, and therefore does not contribute nearly as much harm to the environment as other nonrenewable sources of energy. Contrary to popular belief, it is impossible for a nuclear reactor to explode like an atomic bomb (DOE Nuclear Energy Pamphlet). In addition, there is research that predicts there will only be one serious release of radioactivity for every 50 years of continued use (The Future of Nuclear Power). One of the world’s current priorities for the improvement of the environment is to stop the immense emission of carbon dioxide, so nuclear power must be integrated as a means to reach this goal.

Secondly, nuclear power is sustainable, and makes sense as a part of a better future. It does not produce very much radiation - in fact, only 1% of the radiation a person absorbs yearly comes from nuclear power (DOE). This is a much better option than the air and water contamination created by fossil fuel combustion. Nuclear power is a healthier option for communities, and is being modified constantly to become safer and more efficient.

Lastly, nuclear power is, from a wide perspective, cost efficient. Considering the tremendous cost humans will face for the destruction of the Earth through fossil fuels in the future, it is much better to switch to more nuclear power instead of continuing to exploit carbon and gas. Additionally, there are new developments of closed fuel cycles, in which materials are recycled so that less nuclear waste is produced and costs are reduced as well (DOE). With more research and experimentation, there is no doubt that the future of nuclear reactors will involve much less production of nuclear waste, though there are already effective plans to store the material (Yucca). Nuclear power benefits every person from a forward-looking perspective.

To conclude, nuclear power is the best energy option to actively pursue at the moment. Though renewable energy sources may be better, nuclear power is a step in the right direction, and is much less harmful than the continued wasting of fossil fuels and the destruction of the atmosphere. It is not only ideal from an environmental perspective, but also from a health and economic perspective. It is pivotal that in the next decade the world decides to rely on more nuclear power.

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